Building an Interactive Text Analyzer with React.js

Building an Interactive Text Analyzer with React.js
Building an Interactive Text Analyzer with React.js

I created a text analyzer using React.js, and I will define the process step by step.

Step 1: First, I installed the React app by using the npm install create-react-app command. Then, I removed some unnecessary elements from the App.js file that are included by default.

Step 2: Next, I created a folder name component. Inside this folder, I defined React components named Home.js, Navbar.js, Error.js, and Alert.js. I also created corresponding CSS files for each component and defined the necessary styling.

Step 3: In the component files, I wrote code for Home.js to define a textarea. I also created buttons that, when clicked, change the text and I added the functionality of counting the number of words, sentences, characters, Reading Time, and Speaking Time.

Step 4: In the Alert.js file, I implemented functionality to display an alert message according to the action triggered by a button click.

Step 5: In the Navbar.js file, I created a responsive navbar using Bootstrap CSS. I ensured that the navbar is mobile-responsive by utilizing Bootstrap classes and I also added a back and white toggle button functionality

Step 6: Finally, I created a blog page and make a build and deploy it on Netlify.

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