In this practice project, I added the functionality of a payment gateway through Stripe to a cart of products. Here's a step-by-step overview of what I did:
Installation and Initial Setup:
Installed a Next.js app.
Removed unnecessary default code.
Create Account:
Add Product:
Package Installation:
Get Keys:
API Routes:
Product UI:
I created a CRUD application using MongoDB and Next.js 13 for performing Create, Read, Update, and Delete operations on data. Here's a step-by-step breakdown of what I did:
Installation and Initial Setup:
Creating a Schema:
4. Defined a schema based on the data structure.
Creating API Routes:
6. Defined API routes for CRUD operations:
Creating the Create API:
7. Created an API route for the "create" operation
Building the User Interface (UI):
8. Designed and created the UI components to interact with the CRUD operations.
API Calls:
10. Within the UI component files, made API calls to the defined routes:
- Used various API methods (like fetch
or libraries like Axios) to perform CRUD actions.
- Integrated these API calls into the UI components to ensure that user interactions trigger the correct API requests.
11. After thorough testing, built the application.
In this project, I used Replit to fetch data from a crypto coin API by creating an app with Next.js 13. Let me break down the steps I followed:
Installation and Structure:
Component Files:
API Route:
to fetch data from the crypto coin API.javascriptimport { NextResponse } from "next/server";
async function fetchCoins() {
// Fetch data from API with appropriate headers
const response = await fetch("API_ENDPOINT_URL", {
headers: {
"X-RapidAPI-Key": "YOUR_API_KEY",
"X-RapidAPI-Host": "",
const coins = await response.json();
return coins;
export async function GET(request) {
const coins = await fetchCoins();
// Filter data based on search query
// Return filtered data as JSON response
return NextResponse.json(filterCoins);
Search Functionality:
I added a "search" sub-folder within the coin's name sub-folder.
Component Usage:
I explain step by step how I managed the state of a product using React Redux Toolkit.
Note: This practice project is not mobile-responsive.
Step 1: First, I installed the React app and then removed the default data that comes with it. After that, I installed React-Redux.
Step 2: I created a "components" folder and defined component files within it: "cart.js", "home.js", "navbar.js", and "product.js".
Step 3: In the "navbar.js" file, I created a navbar component with links to "Home" and "Cart", and also added functionality to count the CartItems.
Step 4: In the "product.js" file, I added code to display product-related information such as title, image, price, and an "Add to Cart" button.
Step 5: On the home page, I imported and called the product component to display products. Step 6: In the "Cart.js" component, I displayed the added-to-cart products, and also added accounting CSS.
Step 6: I created a "store" folder alongside the "components" folder and within it, I created three files: "cartSlice.js", "productSlice.js", and "store.js". These files are used to manage the state.
Step 7: In the "productSlice.js" file, I fetched product data from the API "" and stored it in the Redux store.
Step 8: In the "App.js" file, I imported the Redux Provider and the store using the following code:
jsximport { Provider } from 'react-redux';
import store from './store/store';
<Provider store={store}>
<div className='App'>
<NavBar />
<Route path='/' element={<Home />} />
<Route path='/cart' element={<Cart />} />
Then, I fetched data from the store in the "Product.js" component, which I was previously fetching from the API, and rendered it on the page.
I created a text analyzer using React.js, and I will define the process step by step.
Step 1: First, I installed the React app by using the npm install create-react-app command. Then, I removed some unnecessary elements from the App.js file that are included by default.
Step 2: Next, I created a folder name component. Inside this folder, I defined React components named Home.js, Navbar.js, Error.js, and Alert.js. I also created corresponding CSS files for each component and defined the necessary styling.
Step 3: In the component files, I wrote code for Home.js to define a textarea. I also created buttons that, when clicked, change the text and I added the functionality of counting the number of words, sentences, characters, Reading Time, and Speaking Time.
Step 4: In the Alert.js file, I implemented functionality to display an alert message according to the action triggered by a button click.
Step 5: In the Navbar.js file, I created a responsive navbar using Bootstrap CSS. I ensured that the navbar is mobile-responsive by utilizing Bootstrap classes and I also added a back and white toggle button functionality
Step 6: Finally, I created a blog page and make a build and deploy it on Netlify.
I have developed a CRUD application using React.js and MockAPI, that provides APIs for testing purposes. Here's the breakdown of the steps I followed:
Step 1: I started by installing React.js using the command "npm install create-react-app" and then proceeded to remove the default data from the App.js file, which is provided by default.
Step 2: I created a "components" folder where I organized my code. Inside this folder, I created three sub-folders named Data.js, Input.js, and Update.js.
Step 3: For styling purposes, I also generated CSS files within the "components" folder. I used CSS within JSX to design my components.
Step 4: I installed the Axios library using npm. I used Axios to make API calls.
Step 5: In the "Input" file, I developed an input form to manage data using the useState hook. I used the Axios library to send a POST request to the MockAPI server upon submitting the form. Later, in the "Update" file, I retrieved data from the browser's local storage using the useState hook and displayed it in input fields. I used a PUT request to update data. In the "Data" file, I fetched and displayed the saved data from the server using the useEffect hook to avoid frequent API calls. Finally, I implemented the option to delete data using a DELETE request.
how to create a functional input form with regex validation using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
This is the structure of your web page. It contains the form elements and provides the basic layout for your input form. Here's how it's organized:
Inside the <div class="container">, you've structured your form as follows:
CSS File (style.css):
This file provides the styling and visual appearance for your input form. It uses various classes to target and style specific elements within your HTML. Let's break down some of the key parts:
JavaScript File (app.js):
Your JavaScript file adds functionality to your form, including form validation and handling of user interactions:
Create a stylish and functional clock webpage that showcases both analog and digital time displays. This project involves HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to bring the clock to life. Follow these steps to create your own clock:
Step 1: Set Up the HTML Structure
Step 2: Design the Clock Using CSS
Step 3: JavaScript for Real-Time Updates
Step 4: Display Digital Time
Step 5: Styling for Visual Appeal
Step 6: Testing and Refining
Experience the power of calculations at your fingertips with our Interactive Calculator built using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. This web-based calculator offers a seamless and user-friendly platform to perform a wide range of mathematical operations with ease.
Key Features:
User-Friendly Interface: Our calculator boasts an intuitive interface designed for effortless navigation, ensuring users of all skill levels can make the most of its capabilities.
Basic and Advanced Functions: From simple addition and subtraction to complex operations like logarithms and square roots, our calculator covers a comprehensive range of mathematical functions.
Real-Time Updates: As you input numbers and perform operations, our calculator provides real-time updates, making it easy to track your calculations as you go.
Responsive Design: Whether you're using a desktop, tablet, or smartphone, our calculator adapts to various screen sizes, ensuring a consistent and optimal experience across devices.