Crypto Coin Searching app with Next.js 13

Crypto Coin Searching app with Next.js 13
Crypto Coin Searching app with Next.js 13

In this project, I used Replit to fetch data from a crypto coin API by creating an app with Next.js 13. Let me break down the steps I followed:

  1. Installation and Structure:

    • Installed Next.js.
    • Created an "app" folder and added sub-folders named "api" and "components."

  2. Component Files:

    • In the "components" folder, I created three component files: "Coin.jsx," "CoinData.jsx," and "SearchCoin.js."

  3. API Route:

    • Inside the "api" folder, I created a sub-folder with the coin's name.
    • Within the coin's sub-folder, I created a file named "route.js" to define the API route for fetching coin data.
    • Inside "route.js," I imported the necessary modules, and I defined an async function named fetchCoins to fetch data from the crypto coin API.
    • I made a fetch request to the API endpoint with appropriate headers, including the "X-RapidAPI-Key" and "X-RapidAPI-Host."
    • After receiving the response, I parsed the JSON data and returned it.

import { NextResponse } from "next/server"; async function fetchCoins() { // Fetch data from API with appropriate headers const response = await fetch("API_ENDPOINT_URL", { headers: { "X-RapidAPI-Key": "YOUR_API_KEY", "X-RapidAPI-Host": "", }, }); const coins = await response.json(); return coins; } export async function GET(request) { const coins = await fetchCoins(); // Filter data based on search query // Return filtered data as JSON response return NextResponse.json(filterCoins); }

  1. Search Functionality:

  2. I added a "search" sub-folder within the coin's name sub-folder.

    • Inside the "search" sub-folder, I created a file named "route.js" to define the API route for searching coin data.
    • Inside "route.js," similar to the previous API route, I imported modules and defined the fetchCoins function to fetch data.
    • Additionally, I extracted the query parameter from the request URL and filtered the coins data based on the query.
    • Finally, I returned the filtered data as a JSON response.

  3. Styling:

    • For styling, I used Tailwind CSS.

  4. Component Usage:

    • In the "components" files, I fetched data from the defined API routes and implemented search functionality using the "SearchCoin.js" component.

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