CRUD Application with next.js 13 and MongoDB Database

CRUD Application with next.js 13 and MongoDB Database
CRUD Application with next.js 13 and MongoDB Database

I created a CRUD application using MongoDB and Next.js 13 for performing Create, Read, Update, and Delete operations on data. Here's a step-by-step breakdown of what I did:

Installation and Initial Setup:

  1. First, I installed Next.js.
  2. Removed the default data that comes with a new project.
  3. Created an .env file and defined the MongoDB URI in it.

Creating a Schema:

4. Defined a schema based on the data structure.

  1. Connected the schema to the MongoDB database within the app.

Creating API Routes:

6. Defined API routes for CRUD operations:

  • Created API routes for different HTTP methods (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE) to handle corresponding CRUD actions.

Creating the Create API:

7. Created an API route for the "create" operation

  • Defined a POST route to handle the creation of new data.
  • Used the appropriate HTTP method and handled the data creation logic.

Building the User Interface (UI):

8. Designed and created the UI components to interact with the CRUD operations.

  1. Designed forms, buttons, and elements for each operation to allow users to perform CRUD actions easily.

API Calls:

10. Within the UI component files, made API calls to the defined routes: - Used various API methods (like fetch or libraries like Axios) to perform CRUD actions. - Integrated these API calls into the UI components to ensure that user interactions trigger the correct API requests.


11. After thorough testing, built the application.

  1. Deployed the built application to a hosting platform (like Vercel) to make it accessible online.

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