Payment Getaway with Stripe by using Next.js

Payment Getaway with Stripe by using Next.js
Payment Getaway with Stripe by using Next.js

In this practice project, I added the functionality of a payment gateway through Stripe to a cart of products. Here's a step-by-step overview of what I did:

  • Installation and Initial Setup:

    Installed a Next.js app.

    Removed unnecessary default code.

  1. Create Account:

    • Registered for a testing account on Stripe.

  2. Add Product:

    • Added three products using Stripe's product section.
    • Set pricing and other details for these products.

  3. Package Installation:

    • Installed npm packages for Stripe and Axios.

  4. Get Keys:

    • Obtained Secret and Public keys from Stripe.
    • Stored these keys in the .env file.

  5. API Routes:

    • Created API routes in the api folder.
    • Implemented a post request route in a file related to payments.
    • Set up a get request route in a file related to products.
    • These routes allowed me to retrieve product names and prices from Stripe.

  6. Product UI:

    • Designed a UI component in the Component folder named "pricing.js".
    • Utilized Tailwind CSS for styling.
    • Used Axios for making API calls in the pricing.js component to fetch and display data on cards.

  7. Hosting:

    • After testing, deployed the project on Vercel for hosting.

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